An accident waiting to happen
Liberal Democrat County Councillor for Tadley and Baughurst Warwick Lovegrove has slammed moves to cut spending on road safety.
The Conservatives on the County Council have indicated they will change policy so that the Council will only carryout road safety improvements at places where there have already been serious injuries and will not be looking to prevent them in the first place.
Warwick said: "In 2014, the last year full figures are currently available for, there were 3095 road traffic accidents NOT not including motorways and the trunk road network. In addition, for every reported accident i.e. one where somebody is injured, there are at least 17 unreported accidents. This means that there are around 52,615 further accidents of greater or lesser severity to vehicles, if not to people."
"Every areas has places that have been shunts or near misses, places were residents say 'it's only a matter of time before someone gets hurt' - now the Conservatives are saying these places will not get safety measures until some is killed or injured."
Prevention is better than shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted. In Warwick's view - "It makes little sense to say an accident has to happen before action will be taken. This is the opposite of health and safety gone mad, It's health and safety thrown out the window. Until now dangerous sites have gradually been dealt with by the sensible improvements. We all know roads and junctions where extra care needs to be taken, but often non-local people do not know. It's a false economy as accidents cost money. Every pound saved but this penny pinching will end up cost more in the long run both financially and in human terms. What price can you put on a life or serious injury? I will be urging the Conservatives to think again on this one."