Hitting the Cold Spots
Thanks to funding from the Hampshire County Council Rural Development Fund the county council are pleased to be able to offer, in addition to our current project, extra support to tackle fuel poverty in the rural areas of Hampshire.
As well as the standard level of support available through "Hitting the Cold Spots" HCC recognise that those residents living in the rural areas of Hampshire can face added challenges.
"Hitting the Cold Spots" can help individuals and families throughout the Hampshire County Council area with practical support and detailed advice including visits from skilled Advisors. This can lead to the provision of emergency heating, access to funding for repairs and replacement heating or hot water systems as well as small grants to help cope with winter emergencies.
"Hitting the Cold Spots" will also provide practical support with debt, financial advice and benefits as well as assistance with switching energy providers. Home Safety visits offering carbon monoxide detectors and smoke detectors are also available.
Further details are available from County Councillor Warwick Lovegrove on 01189 814688 or warwick.lovegrove@hants.gov.uk